AI in recruitment: "Minimizing humans or empowering humans?"

In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, it would not be wrong to label it a missed opportunity if AI is  not looked at as a sought-out option for many processes that are technology-enabled.

As the businesses are making deliberated decisions on digitization agenda with a renewed  interest into Agile adoption which is triggered by present times and driven by need, in a similar  way AI is being looked at as an ingrained technology in these transformation journeys and is the very fabric of the enterprises that invest in tech applications.

HR too is no different to align with this fast-picking technology adoption. While AI has been  on the horizon for some time, it is only now that organizations are switching to AI-powered tools and chatbots to automate HR helpdesks. More so in today’s virtual world which has made these features inevitable.

To enhance efficiencies, reduce cost, and deliver better employee experiences, organizations  are quickly introducing AI as one of the core elements in their digital transformation strategy.

How can AI help automate recruitment?

AI can help recruitment to automate by bringing down hiring efforts through efficiency in shortlisting  candidates based on predefined metrics, communicate with applicants, scheduling,  streamlining the onboarding, and also orienting the  new hires about the organization. An ATS (Applicant Tracking System) can harness the power  of the digital age to make the most of enterprise recruiting data. AI-enabled ATS does the rumble  work. The benefits of using software to track hiring efforts go beyond saving a few clicks to in-time response in the competitive talent-driven market. The built-in analytics that comes with the system will help and refine the most effective  and consistent hiring practices.

AI-powered chatbots can help reduce response volumes HR  have to answer for repetitive and transactional ones.

Role of AI in People Analytics

Human Resource is one area where intelligent automation can streamline and personalize many HR process for different categories of employees across geographies, and assist employees at various stages.

With People Analytics being one of the fastest-growing areas of HR. AI is most impactful.  People analytics is contributing millions of value to top and bottom lines. By not limiting to reports and dashboards, it provides insights to the business of how they are doing. The  actions organisation’s take can drive value to both employees and customers. With increasing  scope  of  analytics at in areas like resource  planning, skills inventory, talent development, internal mobility, candidate experience, and employee experience as well. There is an increasing need for HR  professionals expected to be more analytical, more data-driven, more digital. If we can  unleash the power of workforce data it can create astounding value to the business. AI can be the rudder in managing huge volumes of data.


AI has the ability to intelligently capture data, bringing down the turnaround time to  respond and in creating experiences. It certainly is an enabler that helps in capturing correct data empowering HR to drift focus on smart thinking, more on ideating, solutions that  would be of business value while basing decisions that are data-driven.

Note: The article is an extension of the discussion we had in our virtual event: Vision 2025. To listen to the full discussion, head here.

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